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Your support matters!
Financial gifts from individuals just like you are essential to help us create new work, provide education and outreach opportunities, and increase our impact on the community. We appreciate donations in any amount, and we are proud to recognize our contributors online and in our programs. Your donation is tax-deductible.
If you have ever enjoyed one of our performances, classes, or films, we invite you to make a donation in an amount that is meaningful to you. We appreciate your partnership and trust!
Thank you for supporting Hixon Dance, and helping us continue to move forward.
to our 2024-25 Sponsors
Encore ($2,500+)
The Greater Columbus Arts Council
The Columbus Foundation
The Ohio Arts Council
Cardinal Health
Victoria Alesi
Stanley Wolfersberger
Ovation ($500-$2,499)
Michael Reed
Jacob Reed
Cheers ($100-$499)
Dan and Susan Barco
Katharine and Dick Burnett
Sharon Ferguson
Andrew Grunauer
Justin Johnston
Brenda Mougey
Allison Potvin
Nancy Taylor
Kathy Trask, in memory of Ray Trask
Applause ($1-$99)
Jackie Ariail
Loren Bucek
Antoine Clark
Erin Feiler
David Frego
Spencer & Amy Hixon
Bebe Miller
Patricia White
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